Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA
Date of Birth: 00/00/73
Since Childhood Leo was already along in his years, or at least a little like Eddy Haskel from leave it to beaver. As a kid he longed to socialize with the adults. At family gatherings at Grandma and Grandpa's (Bill Sr. & Delphine Estrada) he'd be more interested in watching his Dad Tony aggresively compete in a game of trivial pursuit with other family members than play grabass with his other cousins, myself and Kevin Estrada. This always made him look good but truthfully was quite annoying when you're 12.
As a young man Leo proudly served his country as he enlisted in the United States Marine Corp. While Kevin and I were playing baseball, Leo was putting semper-fi on everything he owned and sporting a killer crew cut to boot! Whew!, you should have seen Leo at that age…not an ounce of fat on that body; in case Murray was curious. With his skills in the Marines Leo found himself a successful hunter at an early age; course with all that camo and infra-red technology the deer never had a fighting chance.
At the poker table Leo's style is to be very inconsistent. Much appreciated, at least by myself (in fact I find him to be very artistic like). Leo is the type of guy who just when you have him pegged to be a conservative player would bet his mother Arleen on a Queen and a Seven in a game of "2 low"…go figure…Yet somehow he's been fairly successful…well at least he's rounded up a few lowlifes who will never throw away a "Nine"… those proud men shall remain nameless.
In recent years under the tutilage of William III, Leo has broken in on the Estrada Ranch Music scene. Adding to his other attributes, Leo has proved to be a quick study on the 6 string and provides a soothing vocal from sounds of the Eagles, Roy Orbison and Jimmy Buffett.
Leo's biography would be remissed without the mention of his incredible talent to hold his liquor. Now, were not talking several beers and a shot or two. Skip the beer….in fact has Leo ever dranken a beer? Out for the hard stuff; not yet 30, Leo can consume more bizzare mixed drinks and shots of straight boos that even Murray would gag at!
Ultimately Leo's biggest contribution to the ranch has been him being himself. You can get to know more about Leo the man in an hour out at the ranch than anywhere else.
Leo Scotti - Always real, always raw and always thoughtful. And who would have thought all this from a kid who's own Dad said he was "fu-ked up" as a child.
Leo My cousin..I got nothing but love for ya!
William Estrada III; 8/2/03