From "Rip" to "Ron" Ranch dogs have been a constant source of natural hunting support and companionship for many years.
Peter PanGrandpa Rudy's Fox Terrier once layed into a friend who wouldn't stop teasing. |
RipJohn's Faithful Black Lab of many years used to enjoy riding in the his flatbed |
BuckHunting dog extraordinaire cut down early in life chasing tail. |
EinsteinAnother Potugee Mutt that could run for miles often responded to "God Damnet Stein" |
RoseKevin's sweet mannered Black-mouth Kerr/McNabb mix |
BroncoPure bread maniac. Once went on a 5 mile hike with "Stein". Not good for fishing |
EbbyKevin's long-time companion; skilled in many facets, including trapping |
RonThe Big Rott; not built for speed, Ron weighs in at a light 125 lbs and likes to play grabass with skunks. |
Max (Maximus Decimus Meridius)Wire/Fox terrier mix, in the tradition of Peter Pan & Buck, natural and very efficient squirrel killer, but doesn’t like the sound of gunfire… more of an Indian dog. |
FrankProbaly the kindest of ranch dogs. Enjoys eating Garbola. |